Helping you find the best bras for all occassions

Are There Bras Designed For Nursing Mothers?

  • By: Nicki
  • Date: October 23, 2023
  • Time to read: 9 min.

Are you a nursing mother and wondering if there are specially designed bras to cater to your needs? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the world of nursing bras and answer all your burning questions. From the features you should look for to the benefits of wearing a nursing bra, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the perfect undergarment to make breastfeeding a breeze.


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on nursing bras! As a nursing mother, you may be wondering what sets these bras apart from regular ones and why they are essential for your needs. In this article, we will explore the different types of nursing bras available, the features you should consider when choosing one, how to find the right size, when to start wearing them, their benefits, and how to properly care for them. Additionally, we will address common concerns about nursing bras and provide guidance on where to purchase them.

Understanding the Needs of Nursing Mothers

What makes nursing bras different?

Nursing bras differ from regular bras in that they are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of nursing mothers. The most notable difference lies in their construction, which allows for easy and discreet breastfeeding access. Nursing bras typically have cups that can be easily unclipped or pulled down to enable your baby to feed comfortably while providing support and coverage for your breasts.

Why do nursing mothers need specialized bras?

Nursing mothers require specialized bras for several reasons. Firstly, the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding can significantly impact breast size and shape. Regular bras may not accommodate these changes, which can result in discomfort and inadequate support. Additionally, nursing bras are designed with convenience in mind, allowing you to breastfeed discreetly and easily without having to remove your entire bra. This feature is particularly beneficial when you are on the go or outside of your home.

Types of Nursing Bras

Wireless Nursing Bras

Wireless nursing bras, also known as soft cup or non-underwire bras, are a popular choice for many nursing mothers. These bras provide ample support without the discomfort that underwire bras can sometimes cause. Wireless nursing bras are often made from stretchy materials, offering flexibility and comfort, especially during periods of engorgement or fluctuating breast size.

Underwire Nursing Bras

Underwire nursing bras offer additional support and shaping due to their underwire design. While some nursing mothers find underwire bras uncomfortable, particularly during engorgement or clogged milk ducts, others appreciate the added lift and structure they provide. When considering underwire nursing bras, it is crucial to ensure they are properly fitted to avoid any discomfort or restriction.

Sleep Nursing Bras

Sleep nursing bras are designed specifically for nighttime wear, providing gentle support and easy access for nighttime feedings. These bras are typically made from soft and stretchy fabrics that allow for comfortable sleep while ensuring easy breastfeeding access during the night.

Sports Nursing Bras

For active nursing mothers, sports nursing bras are a great option. These bras are designed to offer maximum support and minimize breast movement during physical activities. Sports nursing bras typically feature additional compression and adjustable straps to ensure a secure fit while allowing easy access for breastfeeding.

Seamless Nursing Bras

Seamless nursing bras are known for their smooth and comfortable design, making them ideal for everyday wear. These bras are constructed without seams, which helps prevent chafing or irritation. Seamless nursing bras often provide a flexible and stretchy fit, ensuring comfort throughout the day.

Features to Consider in Nursing Bras

When choosing a nursing bra, there are several key features you should consider to ensure both functionality and comfort.

Front Closure

A front closure allows for easy one-handed operation, making it simpler to unclasp the bra cup when feeding your baby. This feature is especially useful when you are out and about or if you have limited mobility.

Drop-down Cups

Nursing bras with drop-down cups are specifically designed to provide easy access for breastfeeding. These cups can be unfastened or pulled aside without removing the entire bra, allowing for convenient and discreet feeding.

Adjustable Straps

Adjustable straps are essential in nursing bras as they enable you to find the perfect fit and accommodate changes in breast size throughout the day. Straps that can be easily adjusted ensure maximum comfort and support.

Removable Padding

Some nursing bras come with removable padding, allowing you to customize the level of coverage and shape to suit your preference. This feature can be particularly beneficial for nursing mothers whose breast size fluctuates during the day or between feedings.

Stretchy Fabric

Choosing nursing bras made from stretchy fabrics ensures a comfortable fit as your breasts change in size throughout the day. Stretchy fabrics provide flexibility and accommodate engorgement or clogged milk ducts, minimizing any discomfort or pressure.


Look for nursing bras made from breathable fabrics to prevent excessive sweating and to promote good airflow. These bras help to keep you cool and dry, even during warmer weather or intense physical activities.


Support is crucial in nursing bras, especially as breast size and weight can fluctuate significantly during breastfeeding. Look for bras with reinforced sides or wide underbands that offer excellent support and prevent discomfort or sagging.

Choosing the Right Size

Understanding the importance of a proper fit

Having a properly fitting nursing bra is crucial for your comfort and support. Ill-fitting bras can lead to discomfort, inadequate support, or even potential damage to the breast tissue. It is essential to recognize that your breast size will likely change throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, and you may need to adjust your bra size accordingly.

How to measure for a nursing bra

To find the right size nursing bra, you will need to measure your underbust and fullest bust. Use a soft measuring tape and wrap it snugly around your ribcage, just below your breasts, to obtain your underbust measurement. Then measure around the fullest part of your breasts without pulling the tape too tight. The difference between these two measurements will give you an approximate cup size. For example, a one-inch difference would correspond to an A cup, two inches to a B cup, and so on.

Common sizing issues and how to address them

Sizing issues can arise when it comes to nursing bras. Some common problems include bras feeling too tight, cups being too small or too large, or bands riding up your back. If you experience any of these issues, consider trying a different size or style. Remember that every woman’s body is unique, and finding the perfect fit may involve some trial and error. Consulting with a professional fitter or referring to size charts provided by trusted brands can also be helpful when selecting a nursing bra.

When Should You Start Wearing Nursing Bras?

During pregnancy

You can start wearing nursing bras during pregnancy when you begin to notice changes in your breast size and shape. As your breasts grow and become more sensitive, it is crucial to provide proper support and comfort. Nursing bras offer the flexibility and adjustability to accommodate these changes, making them an ideal choice throughout pregnancy.

After giving birth

After giving birth, your milk will start to come in, and your breasts may become engorged. Nursing bras can provide the necessary support and gentle compression to alleviate discomfort and minimize the risk of clogged milk ducts. From day one, nursing bras will allow for easy access and efficient breastfeeding, making the postpartum period much more convenient and comfortable.

Benefits of Nursing Bras

Convenient breastfeeding access

The primary benefit of nursing bras is their convenient access for breastfeeding. With easy-to-open cups or drop-down fronts, nursing bras allow for discreet and hassle-free breastfeeding. This feature is particularly useful when you are in public or want to maintain privacy while nursing your baby.

Enhanced support and comfort

Nursing bras are designed to provide optimum support and comfort for nursing mothers. The specialized construction and features such as adjustable straps and supportive underbands help reduce back pain, shoulder strain, and discomfort, allowing you to focus on the joys of motherhood.

Reduced risk of breast infections

Properly fitted nursing bras can help reduce the risk of breast infections, such as mastitis. The support and gentle compression provided by nursing bras can help prevent milk ducts from becoming blocked, allowing for proper milk flow and reducing the chances of infection.

Caring for Nursing Bras

Proper washing techniques

To ensure the longevity of your nursing bras, it is important to follow proper washing techniques. Most nursing bras are machine washable, but it is recommended to use a gentle cycle and cold water. Avoid using harsh detergents or fabric softeners that can damage the fabric or irritate your skin. If possible, handwashing is ideal for preserving the shape and elasticity of the bras. Always check the care instructions provided by the manufacturer for specific recommendations.

Drying and storing tips

Air drying is the preferred method for drying nursing bras, as using high heat can cause shrinkage, deform the bra cups, or damage the elastic. Lay the bras flat on a clean towel or hang them to dry naturally. Avoid direct sunlight, as it may fade the colors and elastic over time. When storing your nursing bras, it is best to hook the bra cups together to maintain their shape and prevent tangling with other clothing items.

When to replace a nursing bra

Over time, nursing bras will experience wear and tear, and the elasticity may diminish. It is recommended to replace nursing bras every six to twelve months, depending on the frequency of use and care. If you notice that your bras no longer provide the necessary support or comfort, or if the fabric starts to show signs of damage, it’s time to invest in new bras. Regularly assessing the condition of your nursing bras will ensure that you have bras that support you effectively throughout your breastfeeding journey.

Common Concerns about Nursing Bras

Will nursing bras affect milk supply?

Rest assured that properly fitted nursing bras will not affect your milk supply. As long as your nursing bras are not too tight or compressing your breasts excessively, they will not interfere with milk production. Nursing bras are designed to offer support without impeding the flow of milk.

Do nursing bras cause sagging breasts?

Contrary to popular belief, nursing bras do not cause sagging breasts. The factors that contribute to breast sagging include age, genetics, pregnancy, and breastfeeding duration. Wearing a properly fitting nursing bra can actually provide enhanced support and help minimize the impact of these factors on breast shape.

What if my breasts change size?

During breastfeeding, it is common for breasts to change in size and shape. This is why it is important to choose nursing bras made from stretchy and adjustable materials. These bras can accommodate fluctuations in breast size throughout the day, ensuring a comfortable fit and proper support regardless of how your breasts change.

Where to Buy Nursing Bras

Specialty maternity stores

Specialty maternity stores often carry a wide range of nursing bras specifically designed for the needs of nursing mothers. These stores typically have knowledgeable staff who can assist you in finding the right size and style to meet your specific requirements.

Online retailers

Online retailers offer a convenient way to browse and purchase nursing bras from the comfort of your home. Many reputable online stores provide detailed size charts and customer reviews to help you make an informed decision. However, be sure to carefully read the return policy before making a purchase in case the bra doesn’t fit as expected.

Brick-and-mortar lingerie stores

Traditional lingerie stores may also carry nursing bras, although their selection may be more limited compared to specialty maternity stores. Visiting a brick-and-mortar store allows you to try on bras in person, receive fitting assistance, and ensure that you find the perfect nursing bra for your needs.

In conclusion, nursing bras are an invaluable wardrobe staple for nursing mothers. By understanding the unique needs of nursing mothers, exploring the different types and features of nursing bras, and knowing how to choose the right size, you can ensure comfort, convenience, and support throughout your breastfeeding journey. Remember to care for your nursing bras properly and address any common concerns you may have. Whether you choose to purchase nursing bras from specialty maternity stores, online retailers, or brick-and-mortar lingerie stores, finding the perfect nursing bra will undoubtedly enhance your breastfeeding experience.

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