Helping you find the best bras for all occassions

How Do I Determine My Correct Bra Size?

  • By: Nicki
  • Date: October 9, 2023
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Have you ever wondered how to determine your correct bra size? It’s a common question among women, and finding the right fit is crucial for comfort and support. In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to determining your correct bra size. From measuring yourself at home to understanding different bra styles and shapes, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to finding your perfect fit!

Factors to Consider

Understanding Breast Anatomy

In order to find the perfect bra fit, it is important to have a good understanding of your breast anatomy. Breast shape and size, breast composition, and breast position all play a role in determining the right bra size for you.

Breast Shape and Size

Breasts come in various shapes and sizes, and understanding your specific shape can help you choose the most flattering bra. Some common breast shapes include round, teardrop, asymmetrical, and bell-shaped. Each shape has different needs when it comes to support and coverage.

Breast Composition

Breast composition refers to the ratio of glandular tissue, fat, and connective tissue. While it is common for breasts to have different levels of firmness and density, understanding your breast composition can help you find a bra that offers the right amount of support and shape.

Breast Position

The position of your breasts also affects the fit of a bra. Breasts can be high-set, low-set, or evenly positioned. Taking into account the natural position of your breasts can help you determine whether you need a bra with additional lift or support.

Changes in Body

Our bodies go through various changes over time, and these changes can greatly impact our bra size.

Weight Gain or Loss

Weight fluctuations can lead to changes in breast size and shape. It is important to regularly reassess your bra size if you experience significant weight gain or loss to ensure optimal comfort and support.

Pregnancy and Postpartum

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, hormonal changes can cause the breasts to fluctuate in size. It is common for women to experience an increase in cup size during pregnancy and a decrease postpartum. Finding the right maternity and nursing bras during this time is crucial to maintain comfort and support.


As we age, our breast tissue can become less dense and lose some of its elasticity. This can result in changes to breast shape and size. Regularly reassessing your bra size as you age will help ensure that you are wearing bras that provide the right support and lift.


Breastfeeding can cause fluctuations in breast size due to milk production. It is important to choose nursing bras that accommodate these changes and provide easy access for breastfeeding while still offering the necessary support.

Measurement Techniques

Accurate measurements are essential when determining the correct bra size. Understanding the proper techniques can make a significant difference in finding a bra that fits perfectly.

Bra Band Measurement

The band measurement is a crucial part of determining your bra size. This measurement is taken around the ribcage just below the breasts and provides the foundation for a well-fitted bra. Using a measuring tape, make sure it is snug but not too tight, and take note of the measurement in inches.

Cup Size Measurement

The cup size is determined by measuring the fullest part of the bust. This measurement is taken while wearing a non-padded bra, and the measuring tape should be snug but not digging into the skin. Subtract the band measurement from the bust measurement to determine the cup size.

Calculating the Correct Size

Once you have obtained the band and cup measurements, you can combine them to determine your correct bra size. It is important to follow a specific sizing chart or consult with a professional fitter to ensure accuracy.

Different Bra Styles

There are a wide variety of bra styles available, each designed with specific features to cater to different needs and preferences.

Full Coverage Bras

Full coverage bras offer maximum coverage and support, making them ideal for women with larger breasts or those looking for extra comfort and modesty. These bras typically have a higher neckline and wider straps for added support.

Push-Up Bras

Push-up bras are designed to enhance the appearance of cleavage and create a more lifted and boosted look. They usually feature padded cups or built-in padding to provide a gentle push upwards, creating a fuller and more rounded shape.

Sports Bras

Sports bras are specifically designed to provide support and minimize movement during physical activities. They offer additional support to prevent discomfort and potential damage to breast tissue caused by excessive bouncing.

Wireless Bras

Wireless bras, also known as soft cup bras, do not have rigid underwires. They provide a more relaxed and comfortable fit, making them suitable for those seeking a bra with less structure or for everyday wear.

Minimizer Bras

Minimizer bras are specifically designed to make the bust appear smaller and more streamlined. These bras redistribute breast tissue, minimizing the projection and creating a smoother silhouette.

Importance of Professional Fitting

While it is possible to measure yourself and determine your bra size at home, it is highly recommended to get a professional fitting. Professional fitters have the knowledge and experience to assess your breast anatomy accurately and guide you in finding the perfect bra size and style for your individual needs.

By understanding your breast anatomy, being aware of changes in your body, learning proper measurement techniques, exploring different bra styles, and seeking professional fitting assistance, you can ensure that you are wearing a bra that provides optimal comfort, support, and confidence. Remember, finding the right bra size is not only about aesthetics but also about maintaining breast health and overall well-being.

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